Thursday, July 17, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I have recently ended my hiatus and started attending a local church on a semi-regular basis. For the past 18 months I have been recouping from the internal scars that were left from the last church I attended (name and denomination will remain anonymous). The traumatic scars were related to the manner in which my former church dealt with ideals that were traditional and legalistic and have no biblical validity. Soon after I left the church... and decided to get a divorce I was met with resistance and the guarantee that God would not forgive me. I longed for the fellowship and praise and worship that I grew up on as a child in Mississippi but was afraid of the judgemental glares that I would receive from the parishioners as I passed their pews with my two fatherless children. I continue to have that uncomfortable feeling when I sporadically attend and wonder what is truly behind the smiles, holy hugs and handshakes and the words of welcome all done in the name of Jesus.